Who We Are


AFGE Local 3972 represents all bargaining unit members in HUD's Region 8 which includes Colorado, Utah, North Dakota, Montana, South Dakota and Wyoming. We are an active labor Union in both AFGE and with our labor affiliates across the region. We listen to employees needs and can represent them in issues such as Grievances, Reasonable Accommodations, EEOs, Performance Evaluation disputes, or disciplinary action. Please check out the Benefits and 3972 BUE Orientation Power Point Presentations and if you are interested in learning more, see officer contact information on our home page. Member benefits | 3972 BUE Orientation | Sign up online!

AFGE Local 3972 Human Rights Statement:

AFGE Local 3972 stands for the preservation of our democracy to the greatest breadth set forth in the United States Constitution and as declared in the Emancipation Proclamation and on the Statue of Liberty. We stand for brotherhood among all people, people of all races, religions, colors, national origins, genders, sexual orientations and disabilities. We are all brothers and sisters.

Hate and violence pervade the country. We stand against that hate and violence and the forces that perpetuate them. Thus, we stand for diplomacy first and diplomacy last. We stand in solidarity with our brothers and sisters in the United States and abroad. We will actively and publicly oppose all discriminatory legislation and government and private language and actions that create an environment of hate and violence among our union members and our community at large and will continue to work with all means at our disposal to support one another and build an environment of acceptance and equality for all people.